

DISCovery Institute

The DISCovery Institute is a professional organization seeks to extend the development, research, applications and ethical use of the DISC and related theories of psychological type.

The institute designs and provide assessment toolkits, personality assessment online services, and training materials, workshops to help individuals and organizations effect change, improve communications and enhance teamwork in order to improve productivity.

DISCovery Personality Style Analysis

The DISCovery personality style analysis assesses personality styles based upon the work of DR. William Moulton Marston, an American Psychologist. DR. Marston extensively studied the characteristics, patterns, styles and responses of thousands of individuals based on the framework of Carl Gustaf Jung. DR. Marston developed the four-quadrant theory of behavioral styles, he said that all peoples shows all four behavioral styles in varying degrees of intensity. Behavioral styles in our system define as personality; the ways we respond to any other stimulus or defined as sum of a person's various responses to a variety of stimuli.

The acronym of DISC is refers to the four behavioral styles represented by letters:
D = Dominant style is extrovert person with result oriented
I = Influence style is extrovert person with people oriented
S = Stable style is introvert person with people oriented
C = Compliance styles is introvert people with result oriented

DISCovery personality style analysis tool is very powerful and simple, only consist of 24 questions, where assessee/testee ask to choose what they are 'Most' and 'Least' like describe (some ask an individual to answer upwards of 500 questions). Most people complete our questionnaire less than 10 minutes for paper test or online test.

The predictive validity is very high 0.89 with standard deviation 0.065 and it is also a reliable instrument with test-retest reliability 91%. In other words, the reports by this instrument is perceived as highly accurate, in most situations, by most participants.